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Cardboard Packaging and Moving Blog

Bubble Wrap as Thermal and Acoustic Insulation in Windows

How to insulate windows from the cold.

Bubble plastic is also known for its good insulating properties, both heat and cold, both thermal and acoustic for soundproofing. It can reduce your heating bill this winter: a layer of bubble film can be the solution to thermally insulate the home and at the same time soundproof the window of an outside room.

Homemade thermal insulator:

  1. Cut a piece of bubble film the same size as the window to be insulated.
  2. Fill a spray bottle with water and apply a thin layer of water to the side of the glass that faces the interior of the home.
  3. Glue the cut out piece with the bubbles and place them facing outwards (towards you). Water, due to its binding properties, causes the paper to adhere to the window glass.
Bubble paper as window insulation for energy efficiency of the house Bubble paper as window insulation for energy efficiency of the house

How to Insulate Windows from the Cold

If you are wondering what bubble wrap is for, in addition to its best-known uses as a protector of objects in transport, it is one of the most popular options currently for insulating windows and soundproofing the house and other premises, both from the cold and the heat. . It is also a more economical option than other traditional thermal insulation. It can also be used to insulate greenhouses, attics and windows. The air film is composed of polyethylene and is a material available in different insulation options: single bubble or double bubble. For better result, sometimes this type of film is coated with pure aluminum foil which gives the reflective behavior. This insulation material does its job very well in maintaining the temperature, because the interior air acts as an insulator and helps resist thermal changes.
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1 comment

  • Escipion Pugliese
    Mar 03, 2025 at 22:37

    Agradecere informcion costos ,dimensiones y lugar de venta de


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